The Concours d'Lemons is the unrelenting oil stain to the otherwise polished blue blood events of the peninsula during Monterey Car Week. This is a car show for the downtrodden and destitute vehicles that saw their best days behind them as they rolled off the assembly line. None were exciting to look at then, and time hasn't been kind to them since. But through this egregious event their owners get to drag them off the driveway for ugliest bragging rights.

Held at the Laguna Grande Park in Seaside the Saturday before the Concours d'Elegance it's a great place to drop by for an hour or so on your way to the Historics at Laguna Seca Raceway. Stay any longer and you're wasting time.
Judged in their class by 'celebrity judges' every single car here has a shot at being a winner. More so if you can bribe the judge, which is highly encouraged by both them and the audience. Thrift shop awards (no really) are given for cars competing for 'Merican, Non-'Merican, Kitschiest Original, Worst in Show, and Sweetest Lemon.
It's a light hearted twist to the supercars revving up and down Hwy 1. And best of all it free!